Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Day 170 Terrific Tuesday coming up!

I had a little bit of a technical difficulty last night, as the DVD player did not want to play any DVDs , including Turbo Jam... son of a!!!!!! So, I ended up getting ticked off and went to the gym upstairs for an hour and let off some steam.

This morning I was able to use the DVD player (YAY!!!) and I worked out to Cardio Party 1. I'm also trying to concentrate on my water consumption- I think I've been slacking on my water intake in the last month or so, so I have to work on hydration, as well as great workouts and healthy foods.

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Fruit smoothie (4 pts)
Snack: Applesauce (1 pt)
Lunch: Chicken Sub (7 pts)
Snack: Applesauce ( 1 pt)
Dinner: Turkey Sub (5 pts)
Total: 18 pts


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