Sunday, August 14, 2005

Day 14.... also known as "I'm going to kick the shit out of Rob during my workout"...

Ok... I guess and explanation is needed here. I was peacefully doing my workout, and I think that Rob was trying to help me, and pointed out some form errors with my technique. So what happened? I got mad. And when I got mad, I got mad during the punching and kicking segment of Power 90. I have never had so much discipline and power when I have been hitting something. I guess it was most effective when I was visualizing Rob's head between my fists.

And then my workout ended and I felt much better. I promise not to picture Rob while I am doing any form of punching or jabbing exercise.

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Muesli and Peanut Butter - 5 points
Lunch: Roasted Chicken Sub: 7 points.
Dinner: Chicken and Fries: 8 points.

Total: 20 points.


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