Saturday, November 19, 2005

Day 111.. Day 18 of Turbo Jam (weigh-in day)

Well, I have finally done it!! I have slid into the 140's!!!! It's the lowest I can remember being as an adult, and I am ecstatic!! I have less than 5 pounds to go before I reach my first goal.. how wicked is that??!?!?!?!?

Today is Cheat Day, and I had granola/yogurt and toast for breakfast (with hot chocolate), nachos and cheese at the movies, chicken fingers and fries for lunch and blueberry pop tarts for dinner ;) Then I went to a party and grazed over hors d'ouvers.. how can things be so small and so bad for you?? ;) Back to the game plan tomorrow... working out again and eating properly.


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