Monday, February 20, 2006

Day 204 Monday means Canadian Women's Hockey Team Wins GOLD!!! :)

Woke up this morning, tired, but knew that I had to do Cardio 3-4 for Power 90. My muscles hurt from yesterday, but I pushed on through. This evening, I did Cardio Party Remix (I wanted to see if my coordination was any better than last time I tried doing it). I did well, and my coordination wasn't THAT bad ;)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (3 pts), Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: plain carrots (0 pts)
Lunch: Veggie Lasagna (5 pts)
Snack: Carrots and Dip (2 pts total)
Dinner: Sushi (6 pts)
Total: 20 points
Litres of Water consumed: 3 litres as of 8:00 pm.


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