Thursday, February 09, 2006

Day 193 Terrific Thursday

Man, was I ever sleepy this morning, but I threw Cardio Party 1 on this morning and workout. The only problem was, I had very little energy during my workout and am not proud of the effort that I put into my workout. Unfortunately, my stomach has been really upset for the last half of the day, and a second workout today is not an option :(

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Mandarin Oranges (2 pts)
Lunch: Mini Ravioli (7 pts)
Snack: Applesauce (1 pt)
Dinner: Gardennay Soup (4 pts), 4 crackers (2 pts)
Total: 20 points


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