Saturday, November 05, 2005

Day 97 ... day 4 of Turbo Jam .. rest day and weigh in

Well, I had a glorious weigh in this morning.. down two and a half pounds to 150.5. I am almost less than 150 pounds!! I think that I am currently the lowest weight that I have been in my adult life!!!! I know I'm definitely in the best shape of my adult life too, and I feel great about it!

I really like Turbo Jam, and I think that this is a workout plan that I don't look at as a chore or a necessary eveil.. it's AWESOME!!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Day 96 ... day 3 of Turbo Jam .. first time trying Cardio Party 1

Wow.... even though I peeked at the workout last night for Cardio Party 1, I did not expect to be put through the ringer this morning. But, it was in a good way ;) I must say, felt a little dorky during part of the workout, just because I don't know the routines.. I know I will look better doing them. I had a bit of a laugh once or twice, due to the background people and the leader of the workout doing an air "booty slap" motion ;)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Applesauce (1 pt)
Lunch: Stir Crazy Chicken (6 pts)
Snack: Raisins (2 pts)
Dinner: Jugo Juice (6 pts)
Total: 20 points

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Day 95 ... day 2 of Turbo Jam ... second day of 20 minute workout

Happy Thursday!!

Tried my second round of 20 minute workout today... still SO uncoordinated, and pretty sweaty :)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Applesauce (1 pt)
Lunch: Stir Crazy Chicken (6 pts)
Snack: Raisins (1 pt)
Dinner: Dinner out with Mom

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Day 94 ... ... day 1 of Turbo Jam ... beginning of 20 minute workout

Happy Hump Day... I've made it to the halfway part of the week.. yay!!

I got in two workouts today.. this morning I did the Learn and Burn, and then tried the 20 Minute Workout this evening... I felt like I was back at square one again, LOL :)

What I had to eat today:
Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Applesauce (1 pt)
Lunch: Leftover Chicken Pizza (5 pts)
Snack: Raisins (2 pts)
Dinner: Tuna Sandwich from Tim Horton's (7 pts)
Total: 20 pts

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Day 93... Day 3 of Learn n Burn for Turbo Jam... aka... I still have no coordination!! ;)

Waking up this morning was less painful than yesterday.. no logrolling ;)

I only had to pause it once or twice, and I am still so out of sync in the "jab jab jab kick row row" segment ;) Even though I look pretty dorky doing the moves, I can feel it all over my muscle groups, so I'm sure this is a good thing :)

What I had to eat today:
Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Applesauce (1 pt)
Lunch: Wowy Maui (6 pts)
Snack: Raisins (2 pts)
Dinner: Chicken Pizza (Crazy Plates) (5 pts)
Total: 19 pts

Monday, October 31, 2005

Day 92... Day 2 of Learn n Burn for Turbo Jam... aka... OW, my obliques!! ;)

WOW... I woke up this morning and my oblique muscles and abs were succeeding from my body. I kind of log-rolled myself out of bed so I wouldn't have to tighten my core to get up ;) I sat on the couch while Robbie got ready for work, then braced myself to begin today's workout. I only had to pause it a few times, but man, was I a sweaty girl!!!

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Applesauce (1 pt)
Lunch: Wowy Maui (6 pts)
Snack: Raisins (2 pts)
Dinner: Wowy Maui (6 pts)
Total: 20 pts

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Day 91.... first day of Turbo Jam ;)

Well, today probably should have been a rest day, but what the heck... ;) Played "Learn n Burn" for TurboJam and was shocked at the amount of sweat that happens learning a 16 minute routine. Can't wait to see how this works out! However... I realized again how uncoordinated I am at learning new routines ;)

What I had to eat today

Breakfast: Cereal and Milk (4 pts)
Snack: Cheese (2 pts)
Lunch: Tina Sub (8 pts)
Dinner: Bread with Nutella (4 pts), Jell-o Mandarin fruit cup (2 pts)

Total: 20 total