Saturday, August 06, 2005

Day 6...

WAHHOOOOOOOO!!!!! Almost one week done already.. starting to feel better and stronger every day. I am so happy that I am down 6 pounds... I have worked so hard this week and I'm glad that it has paid off. I decided to reward myself by going yarn shopping... must get new supplies to feed my knitting habit!! :)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein shake (5 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Chicken Sub (7 pts).
Snack: Yoghurt (3 pts)
Dinner: Fish and Chips (7 pts)
Total: 22 points.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Aug 5.. Day 5... finally feeling less sore, still a wimp when it comes to pushups though .

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Breakfast muesli (3 pts)
Lunch: Campbell's Chicken Cacciatore Soup (3 points) crackers (2 points)
Dinner: Roasted Chicken Sub (7 pts)

Total: 20 pts.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Day 4.....

How did I do today? I did pretty well.... I made it through today's workout sweating, grunting and groaning through the Sweat 1-2 today. I feel like I have a charleyhorse in my upper right arm... owwwwwwww ... perhaps Robbie charleyhorsed me in my sleep last night. I will get my revenge :)

I can't wait until tomorrow... I should be feeling better by tomorrow. And it's Friday, one day closer to the weekend.

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Breakfast muesli (3 pts)
Lunch: Mission Impastable (6.5 pts)
Dinner: Roasted Chicken Sub (7 pts)

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Day 3...

My arms... My arms.... I would like to get new arms please. I think that I found a new level of hell when I was doing pushups today... As much as I have not enjoyed pushups in the past, I was counting the seconds until this morning's workout was complete. I can't wait until I can comfortably move my arms around, as even lifting them to brush my hair aches. Is it possible for your muscles to try and expel themselves from your skin? Just wondering.. ;)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)
Snack: Breakfast muesli (3 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Chicken Sub (7 pts)
Dinner: 8 pieces of Sushi (4 pts).

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Day 2 .. Power 90 Sweat! 1-2

I forgot how much I detested the Jumping Jacks-Running-Run Lunge Combination from this workout routine. I have always harbored the thought that jumping jacks are God's way of saying "You're going to look like a living, breathing X and be thankful that you are not in high school Gym class anymore!" All of a sudden, doing those jacks, you are transported back more than 10 years to a cold school gym that always seemed to smell a little funny, with the required uniform gym shorts that never stayed where you wanted them to, having and puffing in a splayed leg formation like a scarecrow on a bad drug trip, with a face swiftly turning a lovely shade of beet red.

When I woke up this morning, I wasn't overly sore (I was relieved). Then I started working out, and my hamstring and all arm muscles decided that they didn't like me any more and were going to make doing this workout feel like I was submerged in a pool with 8 layers of clothes on. But I persevered, and ended up pushing through the Ab Ripper 100 (or as I like to call it, the Ab Ripper-Outter 100) .. Sometimes abdominal curls can be torturous.

But, the most important thing was, I didn't give up, I didn't slack on the workout, and I look forward to tomorrow's Sculpt workout.

Bring it!!!

What I had to eat:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts) and Snack: breakfast Muesli (4 points)
Lunch: Roasted Chicken Sub (7 pts)
Dinner: Righteous Red Jugo Juice Shake (4 pts)
Daily Total: 20 points.

Monday, August 01, 2005

My Power 90 Adventure begins......

Well, here I am, back at the beginning of a session of Power 90. I know that I have been a major slacker for the last six months or so, and I had no motivation for rolling back onto the fitness bandwagon. However, I don't want to see the scale creep higher and higher, and my clothes go from a medium to a large or worse... So.. Here goes.. Another 90 days of asskicking with Tony Horton.

Here are the current vitals...

Day 1 Measurements (in inches):

Waist (at bellybutton): 33
Hips (at hipbone): 49
Chest (at nipples): 38
Left Thigh: 25
Right Thigh: 25
Left Bicep: 13
Right Bicep: 13
Neck: 13.5

Workout today:
Power 90 Sculpt 1/2.

How did I feel during the workout? Not quite as strained as I anticipated feeling, but the pushups and the chair dips almost ripped the triceps out of my arms.. I knew that they were hiding somewhere ;)

What I had to eat:

Breakfast: Protein Shake (5 pts)

Lunch: 6 inch Turkey Sub (5 pts) and half a medium fountain drink of Diet Pepsi (0 points)

Dinner: 6 inch Italian BMT (10 points) and 1 bottle of Diet Iced Tea (0 points)

Daily Total: 20 points.