Thursday, April 06, 2006

Day 249 Thursday April 6th= UFC :)

I am so excited!!!! I get the joy of watching 2 hours of Ultimate Fighting Championships on SpikeTV and then the premier of the UFC 3 reality show... I am so pumped up!!!

I had a good workout this morning, I decided to take Rob's advice and worked on indidual sections (pretty much everything after the TURBO except for the Legs section) from TurboKick round 26. I'm happy to say that my form was much more concise than when I tried last night! :)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled oats and applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 16 (2 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts)
Snack: Carrots and Dip (2 pts)
Dinner: Soup and bagel (7 pts)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Day 248 hump day Wednesday

I slept in this morning ;) so I have to work out this evening. I also have to go shopping for a present for a 1 year old after work.. that should be lots of fun! :) I have TK 26 to do tonight, perhaps I will listen to the music for it when I'm on the subway..

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Quaker Instant oatmeal (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 16 (2 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts), 8 more rice cakes (1 pt)
Snack: Carrots and Dip (2 pts)
Dinner: Jugo Juice (4 pts)
Total: 18 points

Monday, April 03, 2006

Day 247 Terrific Tuesday..

Went to the first Blue Jay game of the year today, so I had to workout in the morning, cause I was not working out at 11 pm ... the Jays won.. world series, here we come!!

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Quaker Instant oatmeal (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 8 (1 pt)
Lunch: Vegetarian Chili (5 pts), mandarin oranges (2 pts)
Dinner: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts), 8 more rice cakes (1 pt)
Total: 18 points

Day 246 Manic Monday

Wow.. what a whirlwind weekend.... we took a trip this weekend to Toledo and had a kickass workout with Jenelle and Dawn. It was fantastic!!!! Doing the live class really pumps alot of endorphins through you, I'm so glad that we went!! :)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 8 (1 pt)
Lunch: Roasted Chicken Sub (7 pts)
Dinner: Sushi (6 pts)
Total: 18 points

Sunday, April 02, 2006

I have a new pet!!!

Meet Hamtaro. He is my new pet and I love him :)

adopt your own virtual pet!