Friday, March 31, 2006

Day 243 Happy End of the Quarter to Me!!!

I slept in this morning.. I woke up a half hour after I was supposed to have been at work. OOOOPS. After scrambling to make it into work, it's been a crazy day.. it's the end of our quarter at work, and it's BUSY. But in a good way ;)

It's pouring rain like crazy right now, and my sinuses feel like they are trying to escape from my face. ... grrrrr.

I hope that it gets better tonight so I can have a great workout once I get home.. fingers crossed!!!

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 8 (1 pt)
Lunch: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts)
Snack: Carrots and dip (2 pts)
Dinner: Soup and bagel (7 pts total)
Total: 19 points

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Day 242 Thirsty Thursday

Why is it, sometimes you can drink what feels like gallons of water, and still want more? This was one of those days for me today, and I have had many litres drunk to show for it. I got to sleep in until 8 am this morning, and then had a great workout.. I could do this everyday ;)

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 16 (2 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts)
Snack: Carrots and dip (2 pts)
Dinner: Soup and bagel (7 pts total)
Total: 20 points

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Day 241 Need a nap Wednesday.... zzzzzzzzz

Wow.. it's the middle of the afternoon, and the sleep fairy has decided to lay the smack down on me!! At this point, I would love to take a nap.. oh wait.. I'm at work, and it's not nap time ;)

I think I'm going to take a brisk walk outside to wake me up, and then I will be able to have a kickass workout this evening.. update to follow!!

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 16 (2 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts)
Snack: Carrots and dip (1 pt)
Dinner: Soup and bagel (7 pts total)
Total: 19 points

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Day 240 Terrific Tuesday

Ok.. I don't feel terrific.. in fact, I feel a little like slime right now, but working out made me feel alot better!!! I felt like I was dragging my heels in the afternoon, and I felt like I had more zip in my step after I ate dinner. This time, I made sure that I completely let my food digest before working out, so I didn't end up burping up dinner through the workout ;) Another round of TurboKick 26 and I think I'm finally getting the moves down in the correct order :) YAY!!!

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 16 (2 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts)
Snack: Carrots and dip (1 pt)
Dinner: Soup and whole wheat bagel (7 pts)
Total: 18 pts.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Day 239 "I'm a maniac, maniac" Monday

For some reason, during the "run and scream" segment of TurboKick 26, I couldn't stop thinking that I was like Jennifer Beals in Flashdance ;) I had an awesome workout today (although I did throw up in my mouth a little bit during the workout when I was pushing myself really hard). We're really busy at work, so I tried to use my workout to re-energize myself.. I hope I can continue to do so during the week.

What I had to eat today:

Breakfast: Rolled Oats and Applesauce (4 pts)
Snack: Apple and Cinnamon mini Rice Cakes.. 16 (2 pts)
Lunch: Roasted Veggie Lasagna (5 pts)
Snack: Carrots and dip (1 pt)
Dinner: Sushi (8 pts)
Total: 19 pts.